_s.extlang['afterPageText']='of {0}';
_s.extlang['alphaText']='This field should only contain letters and underscore (_).';
_s.extlang['alphanumText']='This field should only contain letters, numbers, and underscore (_).';
_s.extlang['closeText']='Close this tab';
_s.extlang['ddText']='{0} selected row(s)';
_s.extlang['displaypage']='Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}';
_s.extlang['emailText']='This field should be an e-mail address, e.g.:';
_s.extlang['fieldblank']='This field is required.';
_s.extlang['fieldmaxlen']='The maximum length for this field is {0}.';
_s.extlang['fieldminlen']='The minimum length for this field is {0}.';
_s.extlang['firstpage']='First Page';
_s.extlang['invalidText']='Incorrect value.';
_s.extlang['invalidnumber']='{0} is not a valid number.';
_s.extlang['lastpage']='Last Page';
_s.extlang['lockText']='Lock column';
_s.extlang['maxdate']='This date must be before the maximum date.';
_s.extlang['maxnumber']='The maximum number is {0}.';
_s.extlang['mindate']='This date must be after the minimum date';
_s.extlang['minnumber']='The minimum number is {0}.';
_s.extlang['monthYearText']='Choose month (Control+Up/Down to move years)';
_s.extlang['nextmonth']='Next Month (Control+Right)';
_s.extlang['nextpage']='Next Page';
_s.extlang['pagenodata']='No data';
_s.extlang['prevmonth']='Previous Month (Control+Left)';
_s.extlang['prevpage']='Previous Page';
_s.extlang['sortAscText']='Sort ascending';
_s.extlang['sortDescText']='Sort descending';
_s.extlang['todayTip']='{0} (Spacebar)';
_s.extlang['unlockText']='Unlock column';
_s.extlang['urlText']='This field should be an URL, e.g.:';
_s.uicommon['err_creating_volume']='Processing volume settings. Please try again later when it\'s finished.';
_s.uicommon['err_processing_share_setting']='Processing shared folder settings. Please try again later.';
_s.uicommon['error_demo']='This function is not available in the demo mode.';
_s.uicommon['error_noprivilege']='You are not authorized to use this service.';
_s.uicommon['error_occupied']='Another package is being configured or installed. Please try again later.';
_s.uicommon['error_relogin']='You have signed in on another computer. Please log in again.';
_s.uicommon['error_system']='The operation failed.';
_s.uicommon['error_timeout']='Connection expired. Please login again.';
_s.uicommon['error_unauth']='You have logged in and out of DSM using another web browser, or DiskStation has been restarted. Please log in to DSM again.';
_s.uicommon['msg_waiting']='Processing. Please wait...';
_s.uicommon['reboot_warn']='Are you sure you want to restart?';
_s.uicommon['shutdown_warn']='Are you sure you want to shutdown?';
_s.uicommon['system_poweroff']='_DISKSTATION_ is powered off.';
_s.uicommon['system_reboot']='_DISKSTATION_ is rebooting.';
_s.uicommon['system_reboot_timeout']='_DISKSTATION_ is restarting. After the restarting process is complete, use Synology Assistant to search and connect to _DISKSTATION_.';
_s.uicommon['totalDataLength']='All: {0}';
_s.vtype['bad_alias']='The alias you entered is invalid.';
_s.vtype['bad_dar_profile_name']='Use only letters, numbers and space characters. Do not use preserved words such as template, lang and global.';
_s.vtype['bad_ddns_noip_alphanumspace']='alphanumeric and space only';
_s.vtype['bad_ddns_noip_password']='Character +,?,%,& are not allowed.';
_s.vtype['bad_domain_name']='Invalid domain name';
_s.vtype['bad_email']='Invalid email format.';
_s.vtype['bad_field']='Field value is invalid.';
_s.vtype['bad_groupname']='The group name is invalid or contains invalid characters.';
_s.vtype['bad_host']='The server name you entered is invalid, please refer to Help for more information.';
_s.vtype['bad_hostname']='Invalid hostname format.';
_s.vtype['bad_ip']='The IP address you entered is invalid.';
_s.vtype['bad_iporhostname']='Invalid IP or hostname.';
_s.vtype['bad_ipv6prefixLeng']='The IPv6 prefix length you entered is invalid.';
_s.vtype['bad_iscsi_lunname']='The iSCSI LUN name you entered is invalid, please refer to Help for more information.';
_s.vtype['bad_iscsi_password']='Numbers and English letters only. 12 to 16 characters.';
_s.vtype['bad_iscsi_targetiqn']='The iSCSI Target IQN you entered is invalid, please refer to Help for more information.';
_s.vtype['bad_iscsi_targetname']='The target name you entered is invalid, please refer to Help for more information.';
_s.vtype['bad_iscsi_username']='Numbers and English letters only. Maximum of 12 characters.';
_s.vtype['bad_mask']='The subnet mask you entered is invalid.';
_s.vtype['bad_networkgroupname']='The workgroup name is invalid or contains invalid characters.';
_s.vtype['bad_number']='This number cannot start with 0 and must be a whole number.';
_s.vtype['bad_port']='The port number should be from 1 to 65535.';
_s.vtype['bad_relay_alias_name']='The customized ID can only contain alphanumeric characters, \"-\", and \"_\", and cannot start with a digit.';
_s.vtype['bad_sharename']='The shared folder name is invalid or it contains invalid characters.';
_s.vtype['bad_url']='Invalid URL format.';
_s.vtype['bad_username']='The user name is invalid or it contains invalid characters.';
_s.vtype['bad_v6ip']='The IPv6 address you entered is invalid.';
_s.vtype['password_confirm_failed']='Failed to confirm password. Please enter it again.';
_s.wizard['finaldescr']='Click {0} to close the window.';
_s.wizard['nextdescr']='Click {0} to continue.';
delete _s;
function _JSLIBSTR(g, s) { try { return SYNOJSLIB_Strings[g][s]; } catch(e) { return '';}}